Results for 'Judith Shelton Dobson'

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  1. Toward the Feminine Firm.John Dobson & Judith White - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (3):463-478.
    This paper concerns the influence of gender on a firm’s moral and economic performance. It supports Thomas White’s intimation of a male gender bias in the value system underlying extant business theory. We suggest that this gender bias may be corrected by drawing on the concept of substantive rationality inherent in virtue-ethics theory. This feminine-oriented relationship-based value system complements the essential nature of the firm as a nexus of relationships between stakeholders. Not only is this feminine firm morally desirable, but (...)
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  2. The Realm of Rights.Judith Thomson - 1990 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    The concept of a right is fundamental to moral, political, and legal thinking, but much of the use of that concept is selective and fragmentary: it is common merely to appeal to this or that intuitively plausible attribution of rights as needed for purposes of argument. In The Realm of Rights Judith Thomson provides a full-scale, systematic theory of human and social rights, bringing out what in general makes an attribution of a right true.
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    The New Schelling.Alistair Welchman & Judith Norman (eds.) - 2004 - London, UK: Continuum.
    Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Von Schelling (1775-1854) was a colleague of Hegel, Holderlin, Fichte, Goethe, Schlegel, and Schiller. Always a champion of Romanticism, Schelling advocated a philosophy which emphasized intuition over reason, which maintained aesthetics and the creative imagination to be of the highest value. At the same time, Schelling's concerns for the self and the rational make him a major precursor to existentialism and phenomenology. Schelling has exercised a subterranean influence on modern thought. His diverse writings have not given rise (...)
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    Goodness and Advice.Judith JarvisHG Thomson - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    How should we live? What do we owe to other people? In Goodness and Advice, the eminent philosopher Judith Jarvis Thomson explores how we should go about answering such fundamental questions. In doing so, she makes major advances in moral philosophy, pointing to some deep problems for influential moral theories and describing the structure of a new and much more promising theory. Thomson begins by lamenting the prevalence of the idea that there is an unbridgeable gap between fact and (...)
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    Giving an Account of Oneself.Judith Butler - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (4):22-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.4 (2001) 22-40 [Access article in PDF] Giving an Account of Oneself Judith Butler In recent years, the critique of poststructuralism, itself loquacious, has held that the postulation of a subject who is not self-grounding undermines the possibility of responsibility and, in particular, of giving an account of oneself. Critics have argued that the various critical reconsiderations of the subject, including those that do away with the (...)
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  6. The time of a killing.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (5):115-132.
  7. Two approaches to natural kinds.Judith K. Crane - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12177-12198.
    Philosophical treatments of natural kinds are embedded in two distinct projects. I call these the philosophy of science approach and the philosophy of language approach. Each is characterized by its own set of philosophical questions, concerns, and assumptions. The kinds studied in the philosophy of science approach are projectible categories that can ground inductive inferences and scientific explanation. The kinds studied in the philosophy of language approach are the referential objects of a special linguistic category—natural kind terms—thought to refer directly. (...)
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  8. Causation: Omissions.Judith Thomson - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (1):81–103.
    But if there aren’t, then ‘they’ are not caused by anything and do not cause anything. That certainly appears to be false, however. John’s absence from our party might have been caused by his having fallen ill, and might cause a commotion. Dick’s not eating his soup might have been caused by his having fallen ill, and might cause a commotion.
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    After Utopia: The Decline of Political Faith.Judith N. Shklar - 1957 - Princeton University Press.
    A political philosophy classic from one of the foremost political thinkers of the twentieth century After Utopia was Judith Shklar’s first book, a harbinger of her renowned career in political philosophy. Throughout the many changes in political thought during the last half century, this important work has withstood the test of time. In After Utopia, Shklar explores the decline of political philosophy, from Enlightenment optimism to modern cultural despair, and she offers a critical, creative analysis of this downward trend. (...)
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    Two Decades of Research on Euthanasia from the Netherlands. What Have We Learnt and What Questions Remain?Judith Rietjens, Paul Maas, Bregje Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Johannes Delden & Agnes Heide - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (3):271-283.
    Two decades of research on euthanasia in the Netherlands have resulted into clear insights in the frequency and characteristics of euthanasia and other medical end-of-life decisions in the Netherlands. These empirical studies have contributed to the quality of the public debate, and to the regulating and public control of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. No slippery slope seems to have occurred. Physicians seem to adhere to the criteria for due care in the large majority of cases. Further, it has been shown (...)
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    (2 other versions)Acts and Other Events.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (1):169-170.
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  12. Individuating actions.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (21):774-781.
  13. News media coverage of euthanasia: a content analysis of Dutch national newspapers.Judith Ac Rietjens, Natasja Jh Raijmakers, Pauline Sc Kouwenhoven, Clive Seale, Ghislaine Jmw van Thiel, Margo Trappenburg, Johannes Jm van Delden & Agnes van der Heide - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):1-7.
    The Netherlands is one of the few countries where euthanasia is legal under strict conditions. This study investigates whether Dutch newspaper articles use the term ‘euthanasia’ according to the legal definition and determines what arguments for and against euthanasia they contain. We did an electronic search of seven Dutch national newspapers between January 2009 and May 2010 and conducted a content analysis. Of the 284 articles containing the term ‘euthanasia’, 24% referred to practices outside the scope of the law, mostly (...)
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    Les concepts scientifiques: invention et pouvoir.Isabelle Stengers & Judith E. Schlanger - 1989
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    Feminist theory today: an introduction to second-wave feminism.Judith Evans - 1995 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    This authoritative and lively exploration of the theories of contemporary feminism covers all the major variants of feminist political thought from the "traditional" schools of the women's movement-particularly radical, liberal, and socialist-to today's postmodern texts. Feminist Theory Today examines the epistemological challenge from critical legal theory and postmodernist thought; the divergences within, as well as between, feminist schools; and the protests from women marginalized by the feminist movement, including those who are lesbian and those who are black. It also interrogates (...)
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  16. Rights and compensation.Judith Thomson - 1980 - Noûs 14 (1):3-15.
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    Identity, Nature, Life.Judith Revel - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (6):45-54.
    This article examines three terms associated with the take-up of Foucault’s analysis of the biopolitical, namely identity, nature and life. It argues that Foucault opposes their reduction respectively to sameness, to origin, or to some primordial force. These reductions not only fall into species of metaphysics, they fail to recognize the integration of difference and of constitutive relationality in Foucault’s conceptualization of the process of subjectivation and becoming as historically dynamic and mobile. The article emphasizes the importance of historicization and (...)
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    The practice of corporate social performance in minority- versus nonminority-owned small businesses.Judith Kenner Thompson & Jacqueline N. Hood - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (3):197 - 206.
    This study compares corporate social performance in terms of charitable contributions of minority-owned and nonminority-owned small businesses. In this sample, minority-owned small businesses are younger, have less full-time employees, and lower annual sales. Minority-owned small businesses donate more funds to religious organizations than nonminority-owned small businesses. When annual sales are accounted for, minority-owned businesses contribute more total dollars to all charitable organizations than nonminority-owned firms. Suggestions for future research in this area are delineated.
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  19. Soziale Wahrnehmung.Tobias Schlicht & Judith H. Martens - 2017 - In Tobias Schlicht & Judith H. Martens (eds.), Bedeutung und Gefährdung der Sinne im Digitalen Zeitalter. Wittener Kolloquium für Humanismus, Philosophie und Medizin. Witten:
    Dieser Beitrag nimmt als Ausganspunkt die gegenwärtige kontroverse Debatte um den adäquaten Erklärungsansatz in der Kognitionswissenschaft, und zwar zwischen Enaktivisten einerseits und Repräsentationalisten andererseits. Beispielhaft wurde aufgezeigt, dass in Bezug auf die soziale Kognition der enaktivistische Ansatz eine Voraussetzung machen muss, die er mit seinen eigenen Mitteln nicht einzufangen in der Lage ist. Denn der Versuch, das Verstehen des Anderen durch gemeinsame Sinnstiftung der Akteure innerhalb ihrer sozialen Interaktion zu erklären, gerät in einen Zirkel, da nicht erklärt wird, wie die (...)
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    The No Reason Thesis.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1989 - Social Philosophy and Policy 7 (1):1.
    Moral theorists often say such things as “But surely A ought to do such and such,” or “Plainly it is morally permissible for B to do so and so,” and do not even try to prove that those judgments are true. Moreover, they often rest weight on the supposition that those judgments are true. In particular, they often rest theories on them: they take them as data. Others object. They say that nobody is entitled to rest any weight at all (...)
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    The Dog in the Lifeboat Revisited.Judith Barad-Andrade - unknown
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  22. Opinion.Jonathan Gilmore & Judith Surkis - unknown
    The recent arrest of Roman Polanski, the film director who fled to France from the United States in 1978 on the eve of sentencing for having unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl, has caused an international ruckus. The French culture minister, Frédéric Mitterrand, and the French foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner, both issued statements of support for Mr. Polanski. But many others in France have expressed outrage at that support and said he should face justice for the crime.
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  23. Leveling the Playing Field: Justice, Politics, and College Admissions.Robert K. Fullinwider & Judith Lichtenberg - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Leveling the Playing Field examines the admissions policies of contemporary American colleges and universities in light of the assumption that enhancing the educational opportunities of lower-income and minority students would make American society more just. The book evaluates controversies about such issues as the nature of merit, the missions of universities, affirmative action, the role of standardized tests, legacy preference, early decision, financial aid, the test-prep industry, and athletics.
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    Heidegger’s Critique of Technology and the Contemporary Return to Artisan Business Activity.Eleanor Helms & John Dobson - 2016 - Philosophy of Management 15 (3):203-220.
    So far aesthetics has played a limited role in our understanding of business activity, focused mainly on evaluating product quality and the character qualities (virtues) of the firm that produced them We draw on Heidegger’s fuller account of aesthetic value to show how a firm—like a work of art – can disclose the way human projects and technologies are already at work in a given context. In this way, we show that firms play an essential role in human self-understanding—a role (...)
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    Provoking feminisms.Carolyn Allen & Judith A. Howard (eds.) - 2000 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    A collection of essays, comments and replies on some of the contentious issues in feminist theory. Specific conversations centre on topics of debate such as feminist standpoint theory; gender as an analytic category; problems with sexual difference; and privacy and representations of the personal. Each exchange covers issues central to feminist scholarship and includes discussions from a cross-section of disciplines: political/social theory, philosophy, sociology, cultural studies and critical theory.
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  26. Human Aspects of Biomedical Innovation.Everett Mendelsohn, Judith P. Swazey & Irene Taviss - 1972 - Science and Society 36 (4):501-503.
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    Wittgenstein: A Way of Seeing.Judith Genova - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    In Wittgenstein's Way of Seeing, Judith Genova provides a an illuminating introduction to two surprisingly neglected aspects of his work: his conception of philosophy and his search for a style to embody his revolutionary practice. Genova examines the nuances, contours, and texture of logical twists of language. She elucidates Wittgenstein's reliance on the work of Kant and Freud, and presents how words are acts for Wittgenstein.
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  28. Fundamental feminism: contesting the core concepts of feminist theory.Judith Grant - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    What makes feminist theory feminist? How did so many different feminisms come to exist? In Fundamental Feminism, Judith Grant addresses these questions by offering a critical exploration of the evolution of feminist theory and the state of feminist thinking today. Grant provides a lively assessment of the major problems of contemporary feminist thought and identifies a set of common assumptions that link the wide variety of feminist theories in existence. Fundamental Feminism calls for nothing less than a substantial revision (...)
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    Property acquisition.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1976 - Journal of Philosophy 73 (18):664-666.
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    'A Gentle Death? A Christian View of Euthanasia, 109-110'A Christian Response to Physician-Assisted Suicide', 279-280.Abraham S. Abraham, Judith Abrams, Steven Abrams, Sura Al-Ahzab, Sura Al-Bakara, Gad Al-Hak, Sura Al-Hegret, Sura Al-Nahl, Sura Al-Omran & Sura Al-Sura - 1997 - Bioethics Yearbook: Volume 5-Theological Developments in Bioethics: 1992-1994 5:289.
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    Educational intervention in patients with bruxism and temporomandibular dysfunction.Judith Aúcar López, Siomara Hidalgo Hidalgo, Loreydis Castañeda Casal, Maitee Lajes Ugarte & Melania Josefa Díaz Ramos - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):469-488.
    RESUMEN El presente texto expone los resultados de un estudio prospectivo, del tipo de intervención comunitaria aplicado en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente La Vigía, provincia Camagüey, con el objetivo de instrumentar una estrategia educativa en pacientes con bruxismo y disfunción temporomandibular en el período de enero de 2017 a enero de 2018. Se diseñó y aplicó una estrategia educativa según la metodología utilizada por la Maestría Nacional de Educación para la salud. Predominó el sexo femenino y las edades comprendidas entre (...)
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    Engaging the public : the role of the media.Chang Ai-Lien & Judith Tan - 2010 - In John Elliott, W. Calvin Ho & Sylvia S. N. Lim (eds.), Bioethics in Singapore: The Ethical Microcosm. World Scientific. pp. 51.
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    Global Development of Community Colleges, Technical Colleges, and Further Education Programs.Paul A. Elsner & Judith T. Irwin (eds.) - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    We live and thrive in a global society and economy where education and training is essential to a nation’s competitiveness and to the standard of living of its people. Opening the doors of higher or further education beyond the enrollments in elite or select universities has become a greater necessity. This has spawned a movement to develop or expand institutions that are more affordable, accessible, flexible, and tied to business and industry. Take a look at the systems that have been (...)
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  34. Masculine Mystique, Feminine Mistake, and the Desire of the Analyst.Judith Feher-Gurewich - 2001 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 10:32.
  35. As interfaces entre a bioética e o direito.Judith Martins-Costa - 2012 - In Joaquim Clotet (ed.), Bioética: meio ambiente, saúde pública, novas tecnologias, deontologia médica, direito, psicologia, material genético humano. Porto Alegre: ediPUCRS.
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  36. Desired Becomings.Katja Mayer & Judith Simon - unknown
    In contrast to Christopher Kelty’s case for the “careful cultural analysis of the domesticated forms that open source is taking” – which we agree to be a very useful endeavor – we would like to stick with the original call for papers for this special issue, that explicitly addresses the critical power of free software and a necessary shift to epistemologies. In our contribution we are responding to the aims of this special issue and to some of the contributions from (...)
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    Are families out of date?Mary Midgley & Judith Hughes - 1997 - In Hilde Lindemann (ed.), Feminism and Families. Routledge. pp. 55--68.
  38. Ethics, Professionalism, and Humanities at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.Tom Tomlinson, Judith Andre & Len Fleck - 2003 - Academic Medicine 78 (10).
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    Rationality: An Essay Towards an Analysis.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1966 - Philosophical Review 75 (3):391.
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    "Property" and "People": Political Usages in Locke and Some Contemporaries.Judith Richards - 1981 - Journal of the History of Ideas 42 (1):29.
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    Changing the HEC Mission.Judith Wilson Ross - 2000 - HEC Forum 12 (1):4-7.
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    Reply to Commentators.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (1):187-194.
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    The design of technology and environments to support enjoyable activity for people with dementia.Judith Torrington - 2009 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 3 (2):123-137.
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  44. Cuerpos aliados y lucha política.por Judith Butler - 2019 - In Adrián Cangi & Alejandra González (eds.), Meditaciones sobre el dolor. [Vicente López, Argentina?]: (Autonomía).
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  45. Two Poems by F.W.J. Schelling.Daniel Whistler & Judith Kahl - 2014 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 43 (2):177-196.
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  46. Gender-based barriers to senior management positions: Understanding the scarcity of female CEOs. [REVIEW]Judith G. Oakley - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (4):321 - 334.
    Although the number of women in middle management has grown quite rapidly in the last two decades, the number of female CEOs in large corporations remains extremely low. This article examines many explanations for why women have not risen to the top, including lack of line experience, inadequate career opportunities, gender differences in linguistic styles and socialization, gender-based stereotypes, the old boy network at the top, and tokenism. Alternative explanations are also presented and analyzed, such as differences between female leadership (...)
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  47. The legacy of principia.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2003 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 41 (S1):62-82.
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    Ce que vaut la vie.Judith Revel - 2007 - Multitudes 4 (4):5-10.
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    The Task Force Report: Comprehensible Forest or Unknown Beetles?Judith Wilson Ross - 1999 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 10 (1):26-33.
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  50. Aproximaciones a la imagen biblica Del hombre.Nelhbe Judith Bordón - 1977 - Humanitas 24:61.
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